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Unit 1. Say hello to your friends

Lessons 1,2 Do you remember us? – Какие национальные кухни – самые знаменитые? Какие самые популярные блюда в национальных кухнях?

Russian cuisine

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_cuisine - encyclopeadia entry about Russian cuisine

http://www.traditional-russian-food.com/ - guide to and pictures of traditional Russian food

http://blog.hotelclub.com/top-10-international-cuisine/ - a list of top 10 cuisines in the world, with pictures of dishes

http://www.hillmanwonders.com/top10/cuisines.htm - short world cuisine guides


French cuisine

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_cuisine - encyclopaedia entry about French cuisine

http://www.cuisine-france.com/ - recipes from French cuisine


English cuisine

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_cuisine - encyclopaedia entry about English cuisine

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_cuisine - encyclopaedia entry about British cuisine

http://www.whats4eats.com/europe/england-cuisine - recipes from modern English cuisine


German cuisine

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_cuisine - encyclopaedia entry about German cuisine

http://www.kitchenproject.com/german/german_food_recipes.htm - recipes from French cuisine


Indian cuisine

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_cuisine - encyclopaedia entry about Indian cuisine

http://www.food-india.com/indianCuisine/10...s_Etiquette.htm - article on etiquette in Indian restaurants

http://www.thokalath.com/cuisine/index.php - recipes from Indian cuisine


Japanese cuisine

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_cuisine - encyclopaedia entry about Indian cuisine

http://www.geocities.com/japanfaq/FAQ-Manners.html - article on Japanese manners and etiquette

http://www.bento.com/tf-recp.html - recipes from Japanese cuisine


Chinese cuisine

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_cuisine - encyclopaedia entry about Chinese cuisine

http://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/cuisine_drink/cuisine/ - recipes from Chinese cuisine

http://www.chinatownconnection.com/chinese...g_etiquette.htm - article on Chinese etiquette


Italian cuisine

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_cuisine - encyclopaedia entry about Italian cuisine

http://www.buzzle.com/articles/popular-italian-dishes.html - recipes from Italian cuisine


Lesson 5. A horrible thing happened – Когда появились первые мультфильмы Диснея? Когда появился Микки-Маус?

http://www.justdisney.com/walt_disney/ - history, biography, pictures and media clips of Walt Disney

http://www.mickeynews.com/History/ - history of Mickey Mouse

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_Disney_Animation_Studios - encyclopaedia entry about Walt Disney Animation Studios

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mickey_Mouse - encyclopaedia entry about Mickey Mouse

http://partysupplieshut.com/mickey-mouse/m...use-history.htm - games, recipes and party ideas – all about Mickey Mouse



Unit 2. Camping: Is it for you? – Где найти рассказы детей об их camping trips? Что нужно взять с собой в поход? Какие правила безопасности надо соблюдать? Как организовтаь поход для всего класса? Где найти объявления о походах?

http://www.campingtripfun.com/ - advice on camping, including finding a campsite, camping with pets, cooking, security etc.

http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/content...ss_camping.html - recommendations for organising a class camping trip

http://kidshealth.org/teen/safety/safebasics/woods.html - safety rules for camping in the woods

http://www.ehow.com/how_136104_pack-camping-trip.html - instructions for packing for a camping trip

http://india.rso.wisc.edu/camping.shtml - announcement about a forthcoming camping trip

http://www.familycampinggear.com/generic30.html - camping trips stories written by children



Unit 3. Holidays

Lesson 1. The Tsar Bell and the Kunstkammer. Что иностранные туристы любят смотреть в России? Где найти информацию о Кремле и Петергофе на английском языке? http://www.kreml.ru/main_en.asp - the website of the Moscow Kremlin in English

http://www.geographia.com/russia/moscow02.htm - a website about Moscow and the Kremlin

http://www.saint-petersburg.com/peterhof/ - webpages about Petehof

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peterhof - encyclopaedia entry about Peterhof

http://www.streetdirectory.com/travel_guid..._in_russia.html - ten places to visit in Moscow and St. Petersburg as recommended by a tourist

http://www.123independenceday.com/russian/...s-to-visit.html - recommendations on cities to visit in Russia

http://www.moscow.info/kremlin/palaces/tsar-bell.aspx - information about the Tsar Bell

http://www.saint-petersburg-hotels.com/kunstkamera.htm - information about the Kunstkammer


Lessons 2, 3 I went to Turkey and my friend went to St Petersburg – Какие места в России самые популярные у туристов? Какие места в мире самые популярные у туристов? Где найти фото этих мест? Какие места становятся самым большим разочарованием для туристов?

http://www.traveltips24.com/Central_Russia.htm - a travel guide to cities and regions of central Russia

http://www.comintour.com/tours/popular/rus_major/ - a programme of a tour of central Russia

http://www.forbestraveler.com/best-lists/m...l?partner=msnbc – a slideshow of the 50 most visited attractions in the USA

http://www.diddit.com/list-lwkvjz/the-worl...-tourist-spots/ - a list of disappointing tourist destinations



Lesson 6. Project. – Где найти фотографии 10 самых популярных туристических достопримечательностей?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism - photos of popular tourist sights

http://www.bukisa.com/articles/27734_10-ar...ist-attractions - photos of 10 top tourist architectural attractions

http://www.dirjournal.com/info/ten-of-the-...s-of-the-world/ - photos of ten of the most beautiful places in the world


Unit 4. Nothing is forever – Как объясняют детям проблемы окружающей среды в англоязычных странах?

http://www.oh-pin.org/articles/pex-04-bird...helps-child.pdf - article on how bird-watching helps children to be nature-wise

http://www.naturemoms.com/raising-eco-friendly-children.html - article on how to raise children to be environmentally-friendly

http://www.nrdc.org/reference/kids.asp - a list of links to environmental sites for children


Lesson 2. Litter lasts longer than us – Как борются с мусором в других странах? Как долго сохраняется мусор в природе? Где найти информацию о Гринпис? Где найти интерактивные игры про экологию для детей?

http://www.coral.org/node/3916 - information on how long it takes trash to biodegrade. Did you know that it takes 400 years for a plastic sandwich bag to biodegrade?

http://cleanupday.org/education.htm - information about annual California coastal cleanup day

http://shea20020.tripod.com/trash/trash.htm - an American tells about the differences between trash disposal in the USA and Germany

http://www.ehow.com/about_4568299_nonbiode...able-trash.html - brief information about non-biodegradable trash

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenpeace - an encyclopaedia article about Greenpeace

http://www.greenpeace.org/international/ - the website of Greenpeace

http://www.greenpeace.org/international/fungames/games - online games to help children learn about ecology


Unit 5. Let's plan a trip to England

Lesson 4. Misha is going to England – Как посмотреть сайт Британского посольства в Москве? Что нужно для получения визы?

http://ukinrussia.fco.gov.uk/en/our-office...assy-in-moscow/ - the website of the British embassy in Moscow

http://ukinrussia.fco.gov.uk/en/visas/ - information on getting a British visa in Russia

Lesson 6. The Channel Tunnel, Eurostar train

Когда впервые захотели построить туннель под Ла-маншем? Почему его не построили раньше? Как можно поехать на поезде Eurostar?

Information about the Channel Tunnel.

http://www.theotherside.co.uk/tm-heritage/...ound/tunnel.htm - the history and background of the Channel Tunnel?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurostar - encyclopaedia entry about the Eurostar train

http://www.seat61.com/London-Paris-train.htm - information about travelling from London to Paris by Eurostar train: timetable, fares, what you see there, how to check in, carriage classes etc.


Lessons 8, 9 – где найти информацию про друидов?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druid - encyclopaedia entry about the Druids

http://witcombe.sbc.edu/earthmysteries/EMDruids.html - a short article and drawings of druids

http://www.pretanicworld.com/Druids.html - an article on druids and their beliefs


Unit 6. School. Lessons 1,2 English schools. – Какие бывают типы школ в Англии? Где найти сайты Eton College, Harrows, Winchester? Чем занимаются сейчас принцы Уильям и Гарри?

http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...on/schools.html - frequently asked questions about English schools answered by English schoolchildren

http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/ou...ol/schools.html - English schoolchildren tell about their school

http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761553...ed_kingdom.html - encyclopaedia article about education in Great Britain

http://www.etoncollege.com/ - the website of Eton college

http://www.harrowschool.org.uk/ - the website of Harrow school

http://www.winchestercollege.co.uk/ - the website of Winchester college

http://www.royal.gov.uk/ThecurrentRoyalFam...nceWilliam.aspx - webpage of prince William

http://www.royal.gov.uk/ThecurrentRoyalFam...rinceHarry.aspx - webpage of Prince Harry


Lesson 3. Misha’s first days at school. – Какая школьная форма есть в Англии? Где найти рассказы детей о своей школьной форме? Где найти фотографии школьной формы?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_uniform - encyclopaedia article about school uniforms

http://www.archivist.f2s.com/bsu/Bsu.html - pictures of different uniforms in British schools

http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/ou...ol/uniform.html - English schoolchildren tell about their school uniform

http://www.archivist.f2s.com/bsu/Miscel.htm - pictures of the most famous English school uniforms

http://histclo.com/Schun/gar/pants/short/su-specs.html - information about school uniforms in English comprehensive schools



Lesson 4. Is life at school easy? – На что похож типичный день в английской и в американской школе? На что похоже типичное расписание занятий?

http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/schday/Start.html - a typical day at an English school

http://www.blurtit.com/q699898.html - a typical timetable in an English and Welsh school

http://www.princeville.bradford.sch.uk/hom...ecurriculum.htm - a Yorkshire school curriculum

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...19050953AAp2nSs – a typical day at an American school

http://www.dep.anl.gov/newcomers/schools.htm - information about American schools


Lesson 6. School dinners – Что входит в меню школьного обеда в Англии? Какие бывают школьные обеды в разных странах? Как полагается вести себя за столом в Англии?

http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu.../schdinners.htm - a sample school dinner menu from an English school

http://veronikarobinson.blogspot.com/2007/...ol-lunches.html - a mother tells about her daughters’ school menu

http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departm.../cafemenus.shtm - menus in American schools

http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...aviourfood.html - table manners in Britain

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_dinner - encyclopaedia entry about school dinners in different countries

http://quizzes.familyeducation.com/manners...pect/55534.html - a 5-question quiz on table manners

http://www.drdaveanddee.com/elbows.html - advice on table manners for children


Lessons 8, 9 We must leave our land – Где найти информацию про историю завоевания Англии англами и саксами? Где найти информацию про короля Артура? Где найти фотографии мест, связанных с королем Артуром?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Saxon_invasion_of_Britain - encyclopaedia entry about the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain

http://www.great-britain.co.uk/history/ang-sax.htm - brief information about Anglo Saxon Britain, Viking raids and the Norman invasion

http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/anglosaxons/i...ion/index.shtml - illustrated about the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain from BBC for children aged 4-11

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Arthur - encyclopaedia entry about King Arthur

http://www.kingarthursknights.com/ - a website dedicated to King Arthyr and his knights – with comprehensive information, pictures, photos of historical landmarks etc.


Unit 8. Sports – Какие бывают виды спорта? Где найти информацию об истории спортивных игр? Где найти информацию об истории Олимпийских игр?

http://library.thinkquest.org/C0128343/kinds_of_sports.htm - pictures and basic descriptions of different kinds of sports

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sports - a list of sports by category with links to entries about each of them

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_sport - a brief history of sport

http://www.olympic.org/uk/games/ancient/index_uk.asp# - history of Olympic Games from the International Olympic Committee

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_Games - encyclopaedia entry about Olympic games

http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/cu...ions/sport.html - English schoolchildren tell about sports in Britain


Lesson 3. Do you want to have fun? – Какие бывают спортивные клубы для школьников в Англии? В какие игры играют английские школьники на спортивной площадке?

http://news.bbc.co.uk/cbbcnews/hi/newsid_4...300/4242323.stm - a news story about free after-school sports clubs for children

http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/st...groundgames.htm - playground games in England described by English schoolchildren

http://www.ourkidsports.com/ - a website dedicated to junior sports in Britain


Lesson 5. At the match. – Где найти правила и информацию об истории футбола? Где можно найти интерактивные упражнения о футболе?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Football - encyclopaedia entry about the origins, history and rules of football

http://www.britishcouncil.org/kids-topics-football.htm - online exercises to learn about football \and football terminology

http://www.brownielocks.com/football.html - history of football rules explained for children

http://www.ducksters.com/sports/footballrules.php - football rules explained for children


Lessons 6, 7. The ring crosses the sea. – Где найти информацию о завоевании викингами Британии? Как жили викинги? Какую одежду они носили? На что были похожи их дома? Где найти биографию короля Альфреда Великого?

http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/trail/conques...g/loot_01.shtml - why the Vikings came to Britain?

http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/vikings/invasion/index.shtml - stories about the Vikings and online learning activities

http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/vikings/life/index.shtml - stories about Vikings’ daily lives for children – explained by BBC

http://www.picadome.fcps.net/lab/currl/viking/default.htm - information about Vikings’ life, religion, ships, warfare, houses, customs etc

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_the_Great - encyclopaedia article about Alfred the Great

http://www.berkshirehistory.com/bios/alfred.html - biography of King Alfred the Great


Unit 9. Who is your role model?

Lessons 2,3 “Scott of the Antarctic” – Где найти информацию про Роберта Скотта и Р. Амундсена?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Falcon_Scott - encyclopaedia entry about Robert Scott

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roald_Amundsen - encyclopaedia entry about Roald Amundsen


Lesson 4. A role model – Где найти биографии М. Ломоносова, матери Терезы, Уильяма Уоллеса и Билла Гейтса? Где найти информацию про историю Нобелевской премии?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Lomonosov - encyclopaedia entry about Mikhail Lomonosov

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother_Teresa - encyclopaedia entry about Mother Teresa

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Wallace - encyclopaedia entry about William Wallace

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Gates - encyclopaedia entry about Bill Gates

http://www.infoplease.com/spot/nobel-prize-history.html - article about the history of the Nobel Prize


Lessons 8, 9. The Battle of Hastings – Где найти информацию о битве при Гастингсе?

http://www.battle-of-hastings-1066.org.uk/ - detailed history of the Battle of hastings, its background, people involved plus an ainteractive quiz on history

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Hastings - encyclopaedia entry about the Battle of Hastings

Unit 10. Friends. Lesson 5. A friends will never let you down. – Где найти информацию о сонете как стихотворной форме? Как можно научить детей писать сонеты? Где найти самые знаменитые английские сонеты?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonnet - encyclopaedia entry about the sonnet as a poetic form, its history and examples

http://www.ehow.com/how_3335_write-sonnet.html - instructions on how to write a sonnet

http://www.sonnets.org/ - an archive of English sonnets

http://famouspoetsandpoems.com/thematic_po...nnet_poems.html - a collection of famous sonnets

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Отличная коллекция! И не только к указанному учебнику, конечно. Спасибо большое!

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Сайт о футболе www.footballculture.net. Мужской половине класса, думаю, будет полезно.

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Сайт о футболе www.footballculture.net. Мужской половине класса, думаю, будет полезно.

Действительно, есть что мальчикам предложить. у меня аж три футболиста есть. Спасибо.

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Unit 9. Who is your role model?

Lessons 2,3 “Scott of the Antarctic” – Где найти информацию про Роберта Скотта и Р. Амундсена?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Falcon_Scott - encyclopaedia entry about Robert Scott

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roald_Amundsen - encyclopaedia entry about Roald Amundsen

Найдены забытые фотографии экспедиции Роберта Скотта: http://www.theguardian.com/culture/gallery/2014/mar/31/lost-photographs-from-scott-of-the-antarctics-doomed-expedition

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