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Все публикации пользователя Yekayekaterina

  1. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There were three cats in London street, They were singing a popular hit. They sang in a dismal strain, Soon it started to rain. But the cats did not stop the bleat.
  2. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    Once a cat met a whale And invited him to the sale. The whale had no legs To do all those fags. So, the cat told him a funny tale.
  3. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    Once a lazy cat decided to vacuum But before he had smelled much perfume. Immadiately he fell asleep, Nobody knows how to deep. He was dreaming about new costume.
  4. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There lived a cat in a garden Who was always afraid of a falling button. The button never fell, What else to tell? The cat didn't know that he lived in Eden.
  5. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There was a cat who used to eat Chappi And he slept on his bed that was lumpy. Once he woke at night, What a terrible sight! The gluttonous cat became a big puppy.
  6. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There lived a cat on an island Far, far away somewhere in Ireland. I wanted to visit him on my weekend But the searchings of cat came to an end. It occurred that the cat lived in Neverland.
  7. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There lived a cat in Spain In an unusual old fane. He was tired of being lonely, Praying and meditating solely. So, he bought a lovely crane.
  8. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    Once in a hot day a cat wanted to cool, He went to the shop and bought Red Bull. He drank it and flew away, Being so happy he exclaimed "Hooray!" Then he suddenly fell into the pool.
  9. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There lived a cat near high towers Who had many beautiful flowers. He watered them at night To turn into a knight. In vain he spent so many hours.
  10. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    Once there was a cat who lived in Igra He often used to exclaim his loud "rah!". One day he saw a golden stone, He was absolutely alone And soon he saw the God Amon Ra.
  11. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    Once there lived a cat who wanted to make a hook, He searched the information and found a book. He opened it and started to read, He was on the point of to succeed But the book taught him only to cook.
  12. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There lived a cat who had no e-mail. He started to create it but brushed his nail. E-mail was a dream, The cat started to steam. He dropped his idea and went to sail.
  13. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There lived a cat who liked to drink tea, He used to sit and drink it near the sea. Once he saw a fish, Mmm...it would be a tasty dish! He exclaimed it and fell on his knee.
  14. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    Once a cat lived in Brazil With a fat curious seal. In Brazil it was hot, The seal got a big spot. Oh, cat! It's not Fortune's Wheel!
  15. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    A cat once traveled to Turkey To try delicious Turkish turkey. The food was really delicious But the cat stayed suspicious, Soon he became very achy.
  16. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There was a cat who wanted to know English But instead of it he learned Yiddish. He came to London and spoke. What are doing, cat? Is it a joke? Never before he had been so foolish.
  17. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There was a cat in Moscow Who dreamed of buying a big cow. The cow came soon Just after the noon. And the cat exclaimed his short "wow"!
  18. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There was a big cat in my house Who hated catching any mouse. He loved mice a lot, What an interesting plot! And one of them became his spouse.
  19. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    I've got a cat whose name is Yefrem Who had many frogs and ate all of them. The frogs were magic, The situation was tragic. But the satisfied cat looked solemn.
  20. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There was a fat cat of a wizard Who liked to dance with a lizard. The wizard was tall, The lizard looked small, Only the cat was up to the standard.
  21. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There was a furious kitten Who terrified everyone in the kitchen. Suddenly it became dark, Here came a shark. And the kitten hid in the mitten.
  22. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There was a cat who needed wi-fi To send "hello" and "goodbye". Wi-fi became true, The cat suddenly crew And he merely typed the word "hi".
  23. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There was a cat in London, He could sing and dance, so well done! Once he lost his saint voice. Where's the cat's awful noise? Since now and then he doesn't disturb anyone.
  24. Конкурс "Стань поэтом - сочини лимерик!"

    There lived a lovely cat, He was David's beloved pet. Once he broke a vase, It's a pity, alas! So, he doesn't live now in that flat.
  25. Всероссийский конкурс сочинений на английском языке

    Я выслала работы со своего (учителя) электронного адреса. Но в работах девочек указала их электронные адреса по положению. Сертификаты должны прийти на их адреса или на мой?